Little Star Nursery


On this page we include information, letters and documents not only specifically about what we are doing at Little Stars but also items and information that you may find useful. We will add to the library as and when we come by more useful information to share.

Ofsted report 2106:


Letters and information from Little Star:

voice play

story making letter

prospectus 2013 14

Teaching of phonics for pre school children

The importance of play

Research projects conducted by staff at Little Star:

Department of Public Health case studies:



Emily’s work with the 5x5x5 creativity project led to us re designing a garden that was interactive and allowing creativity to flow:

finding fascinations (1)

Kate’s award winning research project into boys and the outdoors (for which she won the Sage Publication research award):

boys and outdoor learning

Information on play and learning:

Learning together reading

Learning together outside 03

Learning together music 06

Learning together maths 08

Learning together mark making

Learning together reading10

Ideas to promote speech and language:

Top Tips for Developing Communication

Handout 10 principles,

Weekly top talking tips small cards

top tipsdocuments-ecattalkingtips


Using Role play and pretend play to enhance speech and language

Promoting speech and language while taking apart in everyday activities

Play and Games and the Development of Speech and Language

Fun activities for the baby or child that is not talking

fairplay for children physical play

Pacey Outdoor-play

Curriculum information :

What to expect when

SEND Parents_letter_Aug_2014_final

Little Star Nursery SEND Local Offer 2014

Areas of Llearning and Characteristics of Effective Learning

eyfs guide for parents

leuven scales


Behaviour and advice:




Ideas for getting out and about:

50 things national trust